Hi, I am Sandesh Dandge.

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Welcome to my portfolio! I am Sandesh Dandge, an Information Technology graduate with a passion for technology and innovation. I have expertise in network administration, cybersecurity, database management, AI, and data science. My hands-on experience with diverse projects has sharpened my problem-solving and teamwork skills.



Welcome to the Car Rental System project, a comprehensive full-stack application designed to streamline car rental services. This project showcases my ability to develop robust, scalable web applications by integrating front-end and back-end technologies.

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • GraphQL
  • HyGraph

Indian Sign Language Recognition

Welcome to the Indian Sign Language (ISL) Recognition project, an innovative application designed to enhance communication between the deaf and hearing communities in India. This project leverages advanced machine learning techniques to accurately interpret and translate ISL gestures.

  • Python
  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning

PDF chat

Welcome to the PDF Chat Application project, a user-friendly tool designed to facilitate easy interaction with and extraction of information from PDF documents. This project demonstrates my ability to integrate natural language processing with a sleek, intuitive interface.

  • Streamlit
  • OpenAI's language model
  • Python



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